He also wants full funding for performance-based development grants. 布什还要求为根据成效发展基金提供全面的资金援助。
However, even after the full potential of efficiency gains are realized, a substantial funding gap of US$ 31 billion will remain, particularly for water and power infrastructure in fragile states. 但是,即便效率潜力全部得以挖掘,非洲仍将面临310亿美元融资缺口,脆弱国家的供水和电力基础设施尤为如此。
Foundations have proven programmes that lack full funding. 基金会已有许多行之有效的项目资金不足。
The Nominee will be given full authority to sign any agreement on behalf of PO pertaining strictly to the funding process. 该代理人将全权授权代表项目方(借款人)签署与此交易的任何相关协议。
The Chief Executive announced in his2001 policy address the full adoption of the recommendations put forward by the smec, including the setting up of the four funding schemes with a total amount of$ 1.9 billion. 行政长官在二零零一年发表的《施政报告》中,宣布全面接纳委员会提出的建议,包括成立四项总值19亿元的基金计划。
Finally, I see no more persuasive a case for full separation of retail from investment banking than before the scandal, provided funding of the latter is separated from the deposit base of the former. 最后,我认为,丑闻的爆发并没有增加将投行与零售银行完全隔离的理由前提是投行不能从零售银行的存款基础中获得资金。
And to some extent, we need aware but in fact, we understand that for many of us students from the country, they will need full funding. 从某种程度讲,我们意识到了这一点,并且国内的很多学生也是需要全额奖学金。
It should be a distinct entity within the environment ministry that has full funding and independence. 应当是环境部下辖的一个资金充足、责权清晰的独立实体。
But it is fundamental to give full play the internal creativity of laboratories and to form ideal funding support system. 但充分发挥实验室内部创造性,建构理想的经费支持系统才是根本。
We should make full use of advanced scientific and technological achievements from around the world and also of potential funding from abroad so that we can accelerate the four modernizations. 应该充分利用世界的先进的成果,包括利用世界上可能提供的资金,来加速四个现代化的建设。
China not paid in full funding equity transfer and follow-up obligations, provisions exist legal gaps, resulting in not paid in full funding equity after the transfer of dispute resolution that are all sorts of difficulties. 但我国关于未足额出资股权的转让及后续义务承担的规定存在法律空白,导致未足额出资股权的转让之后的纠纷解决存在种种困难。
In terms of current university development, the growth way of university intellectual capital is mainly driven by investment amount, while investment structure has not give full play in the allocation of resources. Increasing government funding and personnel investment has a significant effect to promote intellectual capital. 就目前高校发展情况来看,高校知识资本增长方式主要靠投入总量来拉动,投入结构因素在资源配置中尚未充分发挥作用,但是增加政府拨款与人员投入对知识资本提升具有显著作用。
Statutory capital system requires capital once be paid in full and the strict restrictions on the minimum registered capital. Shareholders 'investments are in the form of limited funding, and have to go through rigorous verification procedures. 法定资本制要求资本一次交足,严格限制最低注册资本,股东出资的形式有限,股东出资要经过严格的验资程序。
According to the classification with the reservoir management unit, four inputting means are recommended to take, i.e. self-supporting, full funding, difference between the subsidy, and the income and expenses into two lines. 根据水管单位的分类定性,推荐采取自收自支、全额拨款、差额补助和收支两条线四种投入途径。
Authority should give full play to its property of binding on the government to strengthen the funding of compulsory education budget management. 权力机关要充分发挥其对政府财权的约束,加强对义务教育资金的预算管理。
According to Study on the full implementation for township hospitals of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is found that: the implementation of full funding is conducive to stability hospital personnel and reduce the burden on hospitals. 对宁夏回族自治区乡镇卫生院实施全额拨款典型案例分析发现,实施全额拨款后有利于稳定卫生院人才队伍,减轻了卫生院负担。
Also, it discusses the composition of funds, whose diversified sources provides the college with enough space for full development, for sufficient funding not only enables IITs to enhance the standard of facilities and equipment for research, but also benefits the long-term development of the institute. 多元化的资金来源为学院提供了充分的发展空间,资金的充足使学院有能力改善教学设施和科研设备,更利于学院的长远发展。
With the full fill liberalization of the financial markets, foreign banks have entered into China, they and the emerging private banks have better advantages on scale, funding and management experiences, which brings great pressures to the big four state-owned banks. 国内金融市场已全面开放,外资银行纷纷进入我国;新兴民营银行也正在崛起,这些金融机构在规模、资金及管理水平等很多方面都非常具有优势,给我国四大国有银行带来巨大压力。